Building a New Home is putting everything you imagined and longed for into the very foundation and essence of your future living space. Why trust that to just anyone?

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Great design and home decorating ideas inspire every genre and lifestyle. Follow us for expert tips and all you need to know to get the look that is right for your home, office or commercial space.

What is your design personality?

Take Our Design Quiz

Answer a few design questions. Find out where you land on the Design Spectrum.

Are you a Globe-Trotter? The mixing of inspirational finds from far-flung cultures, combining monochromatic geometrics with natural textures and organic shapes to adorn your decor?

Do you fancy minimalist design? Do you relish stripping things down to the barest of forms? Clean lines, simplicity, and monochromatic palettes using color as an accent? Is Open Plan Layout appealing to you with only essential elements present in your living space?

Is Classicist your thing? Does the harmony of Rococo Victorian design bring you comfort with its order and structured balance? A characteristic of noble decorating? This classical period manifests all the arts of early-century Europe. Art, music, literature and architecture, symmetry, sophistication and antiquity.

Or Does Iconoclast better describe your style? In design, iconoclasm (“Image-breakers”) can best be described as controversial veneration and symbolism toward religious ideology. Strictly a matter of choice on the part of the individual.